No one says “I hate women!”

7 min readNov 8, 2020


No one admits misogyny.

Some misogynists do not even know they are misogynists. When you call them out, they react. They go on about their sister and mother, about those few (unfortunate) female friends who know them to be decent people. As if this proves anything.

Misogyny does not reveal itself in overt hatred for women. People do not say “I hate women”. No. You find it in their reinforcement of gender-based oppression. Sometimes it is subtle, requiring thorough examination. But ta-dah, it is misogyny.

Misogynists want women to eat. But they want men to share (and ration) the bread.

They want to set up ministries for women affairs — that would teach them safe, auxiliary things like baking and knitting.

Some misogynists want women to excel. But too much of that leaves a bad taste. Men must not be threatened, emasculated. And no matter what a woman achieves, she must ultimately be led by a man. There must be a man in her life. After she is done making important office decisions, there must be a man she kneels before. One who can curb her excesses. She must cook for him and sort the house. Again, there must be a man. She must be a Mrs.

Other misogynists do not want women to aspire. Not really. Maybe other women. But not the ones in their lives. They do not want their women to become doctors. But they also do not want their women to see male doctors. Always, your aspirations must involve a man. It must fit into his plans for you, whatever they are.

It gives them a headache — uncontrollable women. Women who fly where they want, say what they want and fuck who they want. Women who want to do whatever they want, unrestrained. Because women must be restrained. Women must be respectful. And grateful for how much space gracious men have granted them. Again, women must be restrained.

Oh, some misogynists admire some successful women. They gush about them. Then they use their names to shame every other woman who has chosen a different path. “Look at Kamala Harris!”, they cry. When misogyny and faux feminism mix, choice disappears. Women must be CEOs. Or they must be shamed. Misogynists speak about respecting women. But this respect comes with qualifiers and conditions. There is a narrow, shaky path to that destination.

Misogynists are insatiable. They want women to have sex now and be virgins later. They want women to be sexually active for their pleasures. But they want to slut-shame them later. Misogynistic men want you to find them impressive — because they have money and power. Thesame men want to shame you, when you go after the money and power they do not have. Then, you are a gold-digger.

Contemporary misogynists want women to work too. They heavily criticize those who rely on men for support, who “exchange their bodies for money”. Oh, it is okay to objectify women. But it is not okay for women to objectify themselves?

It gives them a headache — women who own their sexuality. Why should you speak about having sex? Why should you walk around with protection? These are slut things. And what is the male word for “slut”? It does not exist. Because men who do these things are conquerors.

Misogynists watch pornography but hate the actresses. They want women to be “decent”. But only in public, so they can imagine them naked. Misogynists want naked, desperate women for their private enjoyment. They also want to watch them for free. Why would you open an Onlyfans? Why should you make money off your own body? Misogynists want to talk about your body. But you mustn’t. Their favorite male rapper does all the time, but that female rapper who talks about her own body is mediocre.

Women live for male attention. Simple. Misogynists query you about having too much make up on. “Men don’t even like it that much”, they cry. Because they cannot think about any other reason why you would wear makeup. It must be for men.

So they blur the lines between admiration and harassment. “He did it because he likes you!” they cry. And this is your ultimate desire. So you can not complain.

You must say yes to men. Women who say no to misogynists must be punished somehow. Maybe by karma. You would stay single until you become humble. You would go for prayers. You would beg for someone, anyone to marry you. Your breasts would fall and no one would look in your direction anymore. The idiot you said no to would become rich and successful. Also, married to somebody prettier than you. Nollywood style.

Or maybe you would be punished by them. Because you said no, or because you are unattainable, they would plan your disgrace. Or peddle lies. Or stalk and assault you. Of course, a man’s obsession with you is always healthy. “You made him lose control!”

Oh, control is something women have been blessed with, in surplus. Men do not have that luxury. Sadly, men are uncontrollable. It is not their fault that they abuse and rape women from time to time. It is nature’s fault — that their penises do not stop. Body no be firewood. Women must therefore be diligent — in what they wear, where they go, what they do, how they relate with an entire gender.

Misogynists blame women. For the lengths men go to impress women. For men’s infidelity. For dating despicable men. For staying in abusive relationships. For being abused. For raising abusive children (even when these children had fathers). It is never about men. It is always about women and what they could have done instead.

Misogynists cannot stand it — women who decide not to marry. Women who decide not to give birth. Because these things form your life’s purpose. No matter what you achieve, your life is a waste without them.

Or women who decide to abort. They cannot understand it — how a decision about a woman’s body is hers to make. Because to them, a woman’s body does not really belong to her, it belongs to her husband. Yes. Her hymen especially. She must reserve it as a pleasant sacrifice for him. Hallelujah.

Oh, if at all, this body must only be spoken of in a way that pleases men. More talk about a wet vagina, desperate for penising. Less talk about a vagina that seeps blood. Oh, men enjoy these gory movies. But the sight of menses would absolutely kill them. You must hide when you buy sanitary pads. You must not complain about menstruation. Misogynists would promptly tell you that is inappropriate or exaggerated.

When you are done with childbirth, your body must return to normal as soon as it can. So that your husband can enjoy. Or just so that strangers can be comfortable. Comforting strangers by denying nature of its course is something you must learn. Even with breastfeeding, you must hide. Your baby knows better — it must not be hungry when you are in public.

Also, birth control is female. You can only birth one baby in 9 months, but we will regulate you. Oh, and regulations that affect women are often made by men. Men who are happy to form opinions and pass laws about things they know nothing about. Where are the women?

Blatant misogynists argue that men are consistently in power because they are the head. Hallelujah. Others say it is because men happen to be more interested and competent. They ignore the pipelines, the gender roles that are ingrained in girls from birth.

To them, the few women who hold positions are there because of affirmative action. And affirmative action is nonsense because both genders are already equal. Somehow, feminism is pointless. And historical inequality does not matter.

Misogynists force double standards. They call men disciplined and women, harsh. Men are tough because it is necessary. Women are tough because they are sex deprived. When a woman in power fails, she becomes the universal example for why women fail. Men fail because people make mistakes. Women fail because they are women.

Misogynists say wondrous, illogical things. But they do it with a straight face and some big talk. Before they call you out for being “emotional”. “Oh, be logical!” they cry. Once again, logical is something men often are. Women are mostly emotional. Only women throw tantrums. It is not like men get their egos in the way of everything. It is not like most of the world’s wars were caused by bored, egotistic, insatiable men.

Misogynists are good at fooling the majority. Often, they are respectable men who consider themselves “objective” and “realistic”. They arm themselves with dogma. “It has always being the case. And it worked!” they cry. “Do not follow these uncultured, disruptive people!” they cry. Hmph. Because it is wiser to be influenced by the dead, than the living.

Sometimes, they magnify extremities. They distract you from the point and focus on nonsense. Most feminists want equality of opportunity. Misogynists would tell you that feminists want the “men” in “wo-men” expunged.

Often, they stress the difficulty that change requires. Indeed, feminism is difficult. Hell, misogyny is ingrained in language. Having balls signifies strength. Being a pussy signifies weakness. Meanwhile, testicles are far more fragile than vaginas. But

Misogynists succeed at demonizing the call for equality. Oh feminists do not want equality. No. They are pained, broken women. Unforgiving, childish women who have failed to heal. Apparently, women are often like this. It is not like men determine their lifelong treatment of women by some exaggerated childhood traua. It is not like society is built to soothe the egos of men.

Apparently, feminists are wayward people who want to destroy the sanctity of society. We must resist them. So, you can peddle nonsense on the internet as long as you begin with “all these feminists!”

Sigh. Society has been misled.

Today is Revival Sunday.



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